July 4, 2024 duration: 5 min

Advantages of bispecific antibodies

Desmond Schofield

Desmond Schofield

Chief Business Officer at evitria

Innovation serves as the driving force behind transformative breakthroughs in modern medicine. Among these groundbreaking advancements, bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) have emerged as a beacon of promise, poised to revolutionize therapeutic intervention.

Engineered with precision, these specialized molecules possess the remarkable ability to target multiple antigens simultaneously, representing a paradigm shift in antibody technology. Their potential applications span a multitude of medical domains, from oncology to immunotherapy and beyond.

This blog post endeavors to explore the compelling advantages presented by bsAbs and their profound impact on medicine. Additionally, we will highlight the expertise and support provided by evitria in driving forward research and development in this field.

What are the benefits of bispecific antibodies?

In the pursuit of more effective therapeutic interventions, bsAbs offer a compelling array of advantages.

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The three main advantages of bispecific antibodies are: 

  • Targeting multiple antigens simultaneously
  • Improved efficacy, and
  • Reduced side effects

Let us now discuss each of these advantages in detail.

Targeting multiple antigens

Unlike traditional antibodies that typically target a single antigen, bsAbs are engineered to simultaneously bind to two different targets. This dual targeting ability enables them to effectively address diseases characterized by complex molecular profiles. Multiple receptors or ligands implicated in disease can be modulated at once, for instance.

This multifaceted approach allows for a more comprehensive attack on dysregulated pathways, potentially leading to improved treatment outcomes.​1​ BsAbs can also be used to recruit therapeutic moieties to molecules or cells of interest. Alternatively, bsAbs can bind two targets expressed on the same cell to improve target selectivity.​2​

Improved efficacy

bsAbs also boast remarkable improvements in efficacy compared to traditional therapeutic approaches. This heightened efficacy stems from their unique ability to target multiple dysregulated pathways, circumvent redundancy within these pathways, and target cells of interest with unprecedented specificity. By concurrently binding, blocking and/or activating distinct molecular targets, these antibodies can exert a more profound and comprehensive effect on pathological processes.

This synergy can amplify the therapeutic efficacy of bsAbs. By engaging with multiple signaling molecules, cellular pathways or cell types, these molecules can induce more robust biological responses, leading to superior treatment outcomes. This synergistic effect is particularly advantageous in diseases with complex pathophysiology, where single-target interventions may fall short.​3​

Reduced side effects

Another advantage of bsAbs lies in their potential to mitigate the adverse effects commonly associated with traditional therapeutic modalities.

By binding multiple cell type-specific antigens, bsAbs can offer a more targeted approach to therapy, focusing their action specifically on diseased tissues or cells while sparing healthy counterparts. As such, these antibodies minimize the risk of unintended interactions with non-diseased tissues, thereby reducing the incidence of off-target effects.

Furthermore, the high specificity of bsAbs can enable effective therapeutic action at lower dosages compared to traditional therapies. By leveraging the dual targeting mechanism, these molecules achieve therapeutic efficacy with reduced systemic exposure, thereby lowering the risk of dose-dependent side effects.

Recombinant antibody production: method & benefits

Applications in cancer treatment

The versatility of bsAbs extends to the realm of cancer treatment, where their unique properties offer new avenues for therapeutic intervention. 

Targeting Multiple Cancer Antigens Simultaneously

Cancer is notorious for its heterogeneity, with tumors often comprising diverse cell populations expressing different antigens. BsAbs can address this complexity by simultaneously targeting multiple cancer antigens, allowing for a more comprehensive attack on diseased cells.​4​ This multifaceted approach increases the likelihood of tumor eradication and reduces the risk of tumor recurrence.

Overcoming Molecular Heterogeneity and Resistance

Molecular heterogeneity can lead to variable responses to therapy and the emergence of treatment-resistant subpopulations of cancer cells. BsAbs offer a solution to this challenge by targeting multiple pathways or antigens involved in tumor growth and progression. By simultaneously engaging with multiple molecular targets, these antibodies can circumvent resistance mechanisms and exert a more potent anti-tumor effect.​5​

Combination Therapy for Improved Outcomes

In addition to their standalone efficacy, bsAbs can be employed in combination with existing cancer treatments to enhance therapeutic outcomes. By synergizing with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapeutic agents, bsAbs can augment the efficacy of standard treatment regimens.​6​

Advancements in immunotherapy

Immunotherapy has emerged as a game-changing approach in the treatment of cancer and other diseases, harnessing the power of the immune system to combat malignancies and other ailments.

Harnessing the Power of the Immune System

Immunotherapy works by leveraging the body’s own immune defenses to recognize and eliminate cancer cells or pathogens. BsAbs can enhance this process by serving as bridges between immune cells and tumor cells, facilitating targeted destruction of malignant cells. By engaging with immune effector cells such as T cells or natural killer (NK) cells, bsAbs amplify the immune response against tumors, leading to enhanced tumor clearance and improved clinical outcomes.​7​

Potentiation of Immune Response Against Tumors

One of the key advantages of bsAbs in immunotherapy lies in their ability to potentiate immune responses against tumors. By simultaneously binding to tumor cell and immune cell antigens, these antibodies activate immune effector cells and direct them to attack tumor cells.7

What are side effects of monoclonal antibodies?

Monoclonal antibodies, while effective in treating various diseases, can generate side effects including infusion reactions, immune responses, increased susceptibility to infections, hypersensitivity reactions, cardiovascular effects, hematologic effects, and gastrointestinal symptoms. These side effects vary in severity and frequency among individuals and necessitate close monitoring during therapy.​8​ ​9​

As research in monoclonal antibody therapy progresses, there is optimism that side effects may become less prevalent or severe in the future. Ongoing efforts in research aim to address these challenges through various approaches, including the development of engineered antibodies with improved specificity and reduced immunogenicity.9

Additionally, advancements in patient stratification and personalized medicine may enable healthcare providers to tailor treatment regimens to individual patient characteristics, reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions.​10​

Future perspectives in bispecific antibody expression

As the field of antibody therapy continues to evolve, the future holds promise for further advancements in reducing side effects and enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Ongoing research efforts are focused on developing innovative approaches to address the challenges associated with antibody treatment, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes.

evitria stands at the forefront of this endeavor, offering comprehensive support for researchers exploring the world of bispecific antibodies. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies and expertise, we provide the expression of all common formats, including the Duobody system, IgG-scFvs, Knobs-into-Holes, Crossmab, Electrostatic Steering, and other related formats. We serve therapeutic companies by supporting their drug discovery research and production of new therapeutics.

Our experienced team can guide you through the selection of optimal formats, whether it’s the widely-used Duobody system or innovative formats like IgG-scFvs. With our support, you can navigate the complexities of bispecific antibody research and accelerate the path towards groundbreaking discoveries, ultimately driving progress in the field of therapeutic biotechnology.

  1. 1.
    Kontermann R. Dual targeting strategies with bispecific antibodies. mAbs. Published online March 2012:182-197. doi:10.4161/mabs.4.2.19000
  2. 2.
    Mazor Y, Sachsenmeier KF, Yang C, et al. Enhanced tumor-targeting selectivity by modulating bispecific antibody binding affinity and format valence. Sci Rep. Published online January 9, 2017. doi:10.1038/srep40098
  3. 3.
    Cheng L, Chen L, Shi Y, et al. Efficacy and safety of bispecific antibodies vs. immune checkpoint blockade combination therapy in cancer: a real-world comparison. Mol Cancer. Published online April 16, 2024. doi:10.1186/s12943-024-01956-6
  4. 4.
    Klein C, Brinkmann U, Reichert JM, Kontermann RE. The present and future of bispecific antibodies for cancer therapy. Nat Rev Drug Discov. Published online March 6, 2024:301-319. doi:10.1038/s41573-024-00896-6
  5. 5.
    Lopez-Albaitero A, Xu H, Guo H, et al. Overcoming resistance to HER2-targeted therapy with a novel HER2/CD3 bispecific antibody. OncoImmunology. Published online March 4, 2017:e1267891. doi:10.1080/2162402x.2016.1267891
  6. 6.
    Wei J, Yang Y, Wang G, Liu M. Current landscape and future directions of bispecific antibodies in cancer immunotherapy. Front Immunol. Published online October 28, 2022. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2022.1035276
  7. 7.
    Goebeler ME, Bargou RC. T cell-engaging therapies — BiTEs and beyond. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. Published online April 2, 2020:418-434. doi:10.1038/s41571-020-0347-5
  8. 8.
    Amercian Cancer society. Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Side Effects. Cancer.org. Published 2023. Accessed December 20, 2023. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/treatment-types/immunotherapy/monoclonal-antibodies.html
  9. 9.
    Hansel TT, Kropshofer H, Singer T, Mitchell JA, George AJT. The safety and side effects of monoclonal antibodies. Nat Rev Drug Discov. Published online March 22, 2010:325-338. doi:10.1038/nrd3003
  10. 10.
    J. A. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. Nature Education. Published 2008. Accessed July 4, 2024. https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/pharmacogenomics-and-personalized-medicine-643/
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